An Environment Friendly Practice, the Climate Smart Agriculture Crop Production and Soil Management Systems: A review

Document Type : Review Articles



Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) is an environment friendly agricultural approach for all global living communities and the crop production systems should be designed with some main principle of crop production and soil management with distinct objectives like mitigating the greenhouse gas emissions, lesser the soil disturbance, adapting to altering and changing climatic and environmental conditions, lower the water and soil pollution and securing and pledging the food production sustainably. This comprehensive review delves into the realm of climate-smart agriculture, emphasizing its pivotal role in fostering environmentally friendly practices for crop production and soil management. Illustration from a means of research, this paper meticulously examines the adoption and impact of these strategies, shedding light on their effectiveness in mitigating climate change consequences. By synthesizing diverse findings, it provides a nuanced understanding of the intricate relationship between climate-smart agricultural techniques and sustainable practices. The review also explores into the implications for resilience and productivity enhancement, offering insights into how these approaches can contribute to the overarching goal of fostering a resilient and environmentally conscious agricultural landscape.


Volume 3, Issue 3
Articles presented in The first international conference of Faculty of Agriculture Tanta University 6-7 March 2024 entitled: Agriculture and achieving food security in light of SDS 2030.
Pages 101-124