Publication Ethics

Decisions accepting publication according to COPE:

1. The Editorial Board is the authority responsible for approving the publication of scientific research submitted to the journal. You are committed to respecting the rule of non-discrimination by following the editors and reviewers evaluating the research material according to its intellectual content, with no discrimination based on race, gender, religious belief, the political philosophy of the researcher, or any other form of discrimination, except for adherence to the rules of scientific thinking, methods and language in presenting ideas, trends, and topics presenting and discussing, analyzing, citation and plagiarism. The editorial committee is committed to improving the scientific sobriety of the journal by publishing research according to its relevance, clarity, originality, and conformity to the terms and conditions declared to researchers.

2. The Journal of Sustainable Agricultural and Environmental Sciences is committed to applying a precise and clear internal organization of duties and responsibilities in the work of the editorial board.

3. The Journal of Sustainable Agricultural and Environmental Sciences is obligated to inform the researcher of approval to publish the research without modification or according to specific modifications, according to what is contained in the arbitrators' reports, or to apologize for not publishing, along with the reasons for the apology.

Responsibilities of reviewers:

1. The reviewers in the journal help the editorial board to take the appropriate decision regarding the research, in addition to helping the researcher to improve the quality of his research. The editorial board of the journal is also obligated not to disclose the names of the referees but with the written consent of the arbitrators themselves.

2. Objective standards in arbitration are necessary and the review must be strengthened with clear opinions and scientific arguments, and it must be consistent with the journal's regulations and the approved publishing standards and conditions. The journal is committed to correcting all technical errors or errors that result from the publishing process, or any modifications that the researcher may request from the journal.

3. The Journal of Sustainable Agricultural and Environmental Sciences adopts the rules of confidentiality and objectivity in the arbitration process for the researcher and the referees alike, and it refers each arbitration research to accredited readers of the journal with expertise and specialization in the topic of the research, to evaluate it according to specific points. If the evaluation conflicts between two readers, the journal refers the research to a third likely reader.

4. The editors and readers, with the exception of the one directly responsible for the editing process (the editor or his representative), are not allowed to discuss the paper with any other person, including the researcher. Any privileged information should be kept confidential and may not be used for personal benefit.

Criteria for preparing scientific research:

1. The researcher(s) must comply with the publishing policy and writing style approved by the journal.

2. Accurate research criteria must be provided through clarity of purpose, presentation of results accurately and sequentially, discussion of these results to achieve the objectives of the research, as well as an objective justification for the method and methodology of the research.

3. Research must be strengthened with work details as well as modern scientific references.

4. The research should not include the results mentioned in other research except for the sake of citation. The inclusion of forged or stolen results is considered unethical behavior and is not acceptable to the researcher.

5. The Journal of Sustainable Agricultural and Environmental Sciences is committed to the quality of auditing and printing it provides to the researcher.

6. The magazine accepts the publication of theoretical and practical research from scientific theses and research experiences.

Concurrent research:

1. The researcher(s) must not submit their work to more than one journal, otherwise, it will be against the journal's publishing policies.

2. The researcher(s) may not submit research to be evaluated in another journal that has its own publishing policy.

Research authoring:

1. Researchers should be given specific names, those who have made a significant contribution to the research including research idea, design, implementation, and writing.

2. A researcher should be identified to act as a coordinator and liaison with the journal.

3. The names of the researchers are arranged according to the academic degree or according to the percentage of participation in the research. Otherwise, the journal will arrange the researchers, where the researcher is responsible for communicating with the journal first.

Arrangement of research in issued issues:

The editorial board in the journal arranges the published research within a single issue according to the importance of the research, its scientific interest, and the date of receipt of the research for arbitration and publication.

Disclosure and Conflict of Interest:

1. Researchers must disclose financial aid or any other type of support provided to them. They should also disclose any financial inconsistencies or other issues that affect the results or interpretations of the research.

2. Respect the rule of non-conflict of interest between the editors and the researcher or researchers, whether that is the result of a competitive, cooperative or other relationship or ties with any researcher from the researchers, companies, or institutions related to the research.

Intellectual property rights:

The Journal of Sustainable Agricultural and Environmental Sciences owns intellectual property rights regarding the refereed articles published in it and on its website, and it is not permissible to republish them in part or in whole, whether in the language of the journal's issue or translated into foreign languages, without the express written permission of the journal.

Basic and editorial errors:

1. The researcher(s) must inform the journal if there are errors in the research materials or editorial errors to make the necessary corrections.

2. When researchers discover a major error or inaccuracy in the results of the published research, they must inform the editorial board to retract or correct their research according to the journal’s rules.

The ethics of agricultural research involving animal experiments:

Authors must follow the policies associated with studies and research involving animal experiments as follows:

1- All necessary approvals must be obtained in the search procedures.

2- Studies related to animals must be conducted according to internationally accepted standards.

3- Authors must obtain prior approval from the committee concerned with the care and use of the animal.

4- The description of the research that includes animal experiments should include a description of the animal welfare, for example, information about housing, nutrition, the environment, and the effect of the use of anesthesia on the animal.

5- Researchers must declare any potential risks to animals or the environment.