Implementation of Prerequisite programmers (PRPS) System during Flour Extraction 72%

Document Type : Original research paper


1 MSc Student, Department of Food science and technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Tanta University, Egypt.

2 Lecturer at Food Science and Technology department Agriculture faculty Tanta University

3 foos science and technology. faculty of agriculture. Tanta University. Egypt


Building complex Food Safety systems require a few subsequent steps in the form of prerequisite programs (PRPs); they are part of an effective HACCP Plan and create conditions where hazards are reduced to acceptable levels. Operations such as regular cleaning and sanitation, and even proper handwashing to avoid cross - contamination are all part of a bigger food safety program. Prerequisite programs must be satisfied to establish more complex food safety plans such as the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP)Establishing correct prerequisite programs builds a solid foundation for other food safety plans and shows a firm commitment to protecting public health. These operations can significantly minimize the pressure on implementing food safety plans as the hazards are already addressed in the earlier stages of the production process.Food safety is related to the absence of hazardous substances in food before consumption. Therefore, adequate control across the food chain is necessary to ensure food safety through the joint efforts of all parties. So that there are no hazardous substances at any stage of food production.


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